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Julia Mei she/her

Innovation and Technology Coordinator
Grade 12
Talk to me about running! 

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Hi all! My name is Julia and I'm the current Innovation & Technology Coordinator! Outside of this, I am a member of my school's orchestra (I love viola jokes) and cross country team. I also love the many clubs I'm involved in and volunteering in my community. I'm looking forward to being a part of ProjectNINE and raise youth voices about important issues!

get to know me!

passion #1: reading

1. Snuggle my cat
2. Eat ice cream
3. Run
4. Jot down my thoughts and make a plan

How do you destress?



 I will read anything from 1000 page books to the ingredients of a granola bar, honing my speed-reading skills for when it comes to school textbooks. Come to me if you want recommendations! I'm excited to combine this love with ProjectNINE's various programs!

passion #2: eating out

I love going out with family and friends and the most common thing we do is eat. Talking and laughing over delicious dishes is always so fun. It's also a great way to experience different cultures and cities. Taking pictures of everything is also a requirement.

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